Enabling Manifest v2 in Google Workspace

Enabling Manifest v2 in Google Workspace
Photo by Fey Marin / Unsplash

Google, being an company funded almost entirely via advertising revenue, is attempting to kill AdBlockers (with a fun side-effect of potentially ruining the internet) with their new Manifest V3.

What is Manifest, you may ask? This has been discussed ad-nauseum elsewhere, but here's the TL;DR; Manifest is essentially a set of rules dictating what extensions may or may not do within the browser.

For the time being, you can still enable Manifest V2 domain-wide, so extensions like the world's best AdBlocker uBlock Origin will continue to work. It's a pretty simple process.

On the left sidebar, navigate to Chrome Browser -> Settings
Make sure the User & Browser Settings tab is active, then search for Manifest
This is the setting we need "Manifest V2 extension availability". Click on it.
Remember to select an OU on the left, or just leave it as is to enable domain-wide.
Click the drop-down arrow and select Enable Manifest v2 extensions.There is an additional option to only allow Manifest v2 extensions that are force installed.
Click "Save" near the bottom left.

That's all there is to it. The more folks who have this enabled, the more pressure Google has to keep it available.